“Safety First” | The Creep of Tyranny
There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice. — Baron de Montesquieu
While sitting with a friend who was in a bit of a rant about uninsured drivers here in Mexico, I found myself expressing something that I had not thought about before. It may have crossed my mind, but I hadn’t yet engaged a deeper contemplation on the implications. What I found myself expressing was the fact that we have been herded into a mentality that government and agencies, like insurance agencies, have our best interest in mind when they make new laws and establish mandates. What happened to the time when we just dealt with what happened, be it an accident or other challenging situation? His response was, “Well, if someone hit my car and did not carry insurance I would want to take out a gun and shoot them!” To which I started laughing, “Well, then, you would have to deal with that!” A tiny but poignant reminder of how wars are started.
Caveat added: My friend who was ranting is actually one of the most generous-hearted men I know; he wouldn’t ever shoot anyone unless in self defense. He was, as is needed at times, releasing pent-up frustrations. I am grateful for his presence and out burst, for it brought forth something I hadn’t considered before.
You see, we the people have abdicated our responsibility under the shady umbrella of government incursion into our lives, the culmination which were the lock downs and vaccine mandates in the year 2020 when “For the Greater Good” became the slogan embedded in the minds of millions of smug virtue-signaling, albeit terrified people, those with no mind of their own. I am still in a rather permanent state of shock at how well this worked—but then again the outcome resulted from centuries of creeping mind control herding humanity ever closer to total tyranny.
My childhood upbringing was in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, a time of relative freedom to roam the neighborhood and canyons surrounding the new suburban home where I lived. We drove around untethered to our car seats, piled into the back of pickup trucks, and car insurance wasn’t mandated then. During these years two phrases that started popping up across the media and on billboards were; Safety First and Buckle Up for Safety. As good mind control agents know, an undeveloped mind takes these messages in and they influenced generations going forward.
The introduction of childhood vaccines started its program when I was in elementary school; I recall the only two I received being dispensed in the school’s play yard. The first, the small pox multi-pronged needle that scraped the upper arm leaving a permanent scar; then came the polio vaccine drops in my mouth not too long afterward. There were no mandates but like good sheep we dutifully got in line to comply with what seemed to be a necessary intervention for — Safety! and the false use of the phrase “Prevention is the best medicine.”
People are now so weak minded, so indoctrinated by the prevailing belief in Safety First that they can’t see outside the ever-shrinking box they are captured in. They allow those who pose as physicians to stick needles full of poison in their arms, take their innocent children to the altar of pharmaceutical sacrifice without even a thought of self responsibility. This fact often leaves people who are awake or awakening in a stunned silence so they don’t express what they know to be true.
By writing these words I am posing the question, is this the best we can do? Are we so afraid of social rejection that truth becomes a quiet whisper in the aether, blown away by the prevailing social acceptance of lies?
There are many of us who have torn though multiple layers of the deception of the over-layed Matrix—we see in ways that many others cannot; this often leads to frustration and if we are honest, a sly elitism can creep in. If I have learned anything along the way, it is that people can only meet you as deeply as they have met themselves.
Let’s take a full stop here for contemplation.
Those same—many of us—also claim that we are here to “raise the vibration” with the intent of helping others reach a new potential, along with all the variations on this theme that run the gamut from sincere self-realized beings to outright hucksters selling the newest product to heal what ails you or the promise to raise your vibration in expensive courses sold by charismatic charlatans.
So how does a newbie to self discovery discern? How do you know that you aren’t fooling yourself? Frankly there are no short cuts—as they say, the only way out is in. One can help a newly awakening soul by pointing out the way, by being a light in the darkness; however, they must take on the pursuit of truth with a ruthless self honesty. Often expensive lessons are needed to learn what life has to teach us; a good friend will be present when the inevitable reassembling of self identity begins. This is the meaning of to be born again, for much has to die. I often quote scripture that points The Way, one does not have to be of a Christian persuasion to hear the wisdom imparted.
John 3:6-8:
6:Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit.
7:Do not be amazed that I said, ‘You must be born again.’
8:The wind blows where it wishes.
You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going.
So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”…
As my life gives me many golden opportunities to speak one on one with people, I have learned to speak to where they are, perceiving the unhealed traumas and mind control that rules them. In this manner it is often possible to till some fertile soil in their consciousness and plant a truth seed or at times stir the stunted innate curiosity buried under layers of fear.
On the very positive side I am noticing (and yes #noticing too) that something rather miraculous is flowing into the earth realm. Some call it photons or bio-photons which may be appropriate, for as the dark agenda pixilates before our seeing eyes, there is a growing space in which beneficial light is flowing. Light in essence is information; it illuminates what can’t be seen in the dark. It is also the essence of Life as we perceive it in the material realm. And yet Light could not be perceived without the surrounding darkness—both are necessary for an expansive state of consciousness.
The politicized agenda of “equity” and “unity” is in reality a death sentence. It is a sad attempt to take all people down to a level of mind control where individualism (Didn’t America once celebrate this quality?) is not only undesirable but now considered criminal. The questions that arise are: What is unity and unity with what? Or whom?
I am finding that the more I become the state of consciousness with Creator, God, Universe, or Nature, for I care little what an individual chooses to call their communion with the realm of True Spirit, that in my encounters with others this flow of benevolent life-giving light is what does the work. The more compassionately that I speak a truth while refusing to go by firmly installed social conventions of not offending people, the more impact my words make against the tyrannical walls of deception. Not offending is rather a matter of choosing words correctly, which means never putting someone down or labeling them, it is an act of ruthless love to point out places where they may be stuck. Buried traumas ruling from the subconscious often keep people looping back through behaviors that keep creating the same outcome, so by at least calling these blocks out into the open light of day, these friends begin to feel the vibrational stir of awakening from the dark dream. I will add here that, if accomplished with True Spirit, with enough practice, people will not even notice that you might have been the vector proceeding a change. Ms.- Mr. Ego might revolt at this, desiring credit though in actuality it is serene humility that is the greatest force we have.
How strong are your beliefs that human beings can’t self rule and are basically animals when not corralled by rulers? This has been so strongly inculcated in the human psyche that people get angry when questioned on its veracity. So ask yourself, honestly without censor, is this perhaps the reason we see this self fulfilling prophecy running rampant on the streets of cities everywhere in the world? Did we fall for a false dictate by not questioning it and therefore became pawns in evil’s sadistic game?
The closer a soul becomes to seeing that the role of Consciousness is the real ruler of reality, the closer we come to seeing something truly magnificent manifest. In these troubling times find beauty in the manifest, it is everywhere. Continue to shed what no longer serves, for we are entering into the great unknown and can not make this passage while clinging to the baggage of worn-out beliefs and desires.
To end I make a note to self: Celebrate each human being’s calling to birth the light from within. Each individual ultimately is where they are in this individual and yet collective journey, this is not unity through equity, it is Unity with the ALL that beats in the hearts of the long-initiated and the newly blossoming souls.
Thank you for expounding on this obvious inversion of reality in such a profoundly and subtle but piercing style. Being a bit more blunt what we have experienced for decades now in the US is the exalted "nanny state" where regulations numbering in the hundreds of thousands pretend to save us but do just the opposite. I realize more and more folks are noticing this contradiction but when fear of false specters is used most seem to fall prey and uphold the "cruel" tyranny. Kudos, Christine. You have a way with words. Keep writing, but I know you will.
Yes, the LIGHT which is CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF is revealing itself more and more. The heart(s) is
awakening to reality....Awakening is inevitable. Thanks Chris. D